Liturgical calendar

At St Paul’s Catholic Primary School, our liturgical celebrations follow the Church’s liturgical calendar.

In addition to the Liturgies and Masses listed below, we also mark the following events.

Autumn Term

October – Month of Mary:  During October children are given the opportunity to come to the Chapel at lunch time to pray the rosary together.  St Paul’s Catholic Primary School takes part in the ACN Maisy Milk Rosary events.

Remembrance Service:  On Remembrance Day we hold a service to mark those who have served and died during past wars and current conflicts. 

Advent trail:  During Advent, the Chaplaincy Team prepare an Advent trail for the whole school.  Children journey from station to station reflecting on the meaning of Advent and things they can do to become closer to God.

Nativity:  EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 all take part in separate Nativity plays, where children, staff and parents are reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.

Key Stage 2 Carol Service:  Key Stage 2 work collaboratively to re-tell the Christmas story through scripture readings, songs and prayers.  It provides a time of reflection, in a very busy season, on the essence of what we celebrate at Christmas.

Spring Term

Lent trail:  During Lent, the Chaplaincy Team prepare a Lent trail for the whole school.  Children journey from station to station reflecting on the meaning of Lent and things they can do to become closer to God.

Easter Presentation:  Years 3, 4 and 5 work together to prepare an Easter presentation which takes place in St Paul’s Church, highlighted the key events of Holy Week and beyond.

Summer Term

Year 6 Leavers’ Mass:  Our Year 6 Leavers join other Year 6s from around the Clifton Diocese to celebrate Mass to mark the end of their primary school journey.


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