Curriculum Overviews
At St. Paul's, we aim to offer a curriculum that is exciting and engaging; that meets the needs of the pupils now whilst preparing them for their lives as the future citizens of tomorrow.
Our curriculum is based on the objectives set out in the National Curriculum for England.
Our curriculum for Religious Education is based on the 'God Matters' scheme of work, fulfilling the statutory requirements of the Bishops Conference and of the Curriculum Directory for Religious Education. We teach PSHE and Citenzenship linked to RE and through the JIGSAW Programme.
English, Maths, Computing, RE, Science, Music, French and PE are taught as discrete subjects, but also taught in a cross curriculum way. Other subjects are closely linked to our long term cross curricular plans.
Please click on the .pdf's for more information.
You can also find out more about your child's learning by viewing the Class Newsletter for the current term, sowing topics for the term and important information for each class.
Please click here to see your class curriculum newsletter.